Jan 23, 2009


Lord Horatio said...

reminds me of a day i showed up in shorts in the depth of winter. coldest i've ever been in my life except one time when me and a friend passed out drunk in an abandoned amusement park in northern england. glad you're keeping this thing going, ken, always a pleasure to read.

Joe Bluhm said...

Maybe you could treat people nicer... maybe... ;)

Sean (53AN) Gardner said...

HAHAHA, WOW, KEN!! Seriously, you're comic strips are awesome`.. Funny cause it's probably very true (based on the other the similar stories Nick tells)

Ken Knafou said...

Thanks for still reading guys! I really appreciate it. It pretty much is all true (at least 87% true). I'm not very good at making things up, so I pretty much am stuck with what I know.

Miss Tracy said...

My favorite is "Did you order this?"
'Order what???"
"Order the cold weather, ahahaha."